Committees & Community

Committees & Community Groups



The Session members are the faith leaders of the church. They also function as the governing body of and for the congregation. Session may have up to nine congregation elected members on a three year rotation, each serving as the chairperson for one of the following committees;

Christian education

Christian Education is responsible for the Adult and Youth Sunday School and for Vacation Bible School Curriculum. This committee is active in the church's Confirmation classes and oversees the operation of Youth Group activities.

Christian Education Committee at Sunday school Breakfast kickoff.

Care & communcations committee

Care & Communications Committee undertakes to provide information flow within the church family as well as to the community. This committee keeps the communication alive between Pastor and congregation by sharing prayer requests, monthly newsletters, phone calls and the activities of other committees.

worship committee

Worship Committee coordinates the order of services, ensures the regular celebrations of the Last Supper and makes our special services, Special. This committee also works closely with our professional music staff. Committee meetings happen the 1st Wednesday of the month

We welcome Evan Marty into membership

nominating committee

Nominating Committee nominates congregational members to be elected to the Session. This committee also nominates other church officers such as Clerk of Session and Treasurer as examples. This is the only committee which has it's members elected by the congregation, each serving a one year position. The committee conducts interviews with the potential nominees.

property committee

Concerns, repairs, and improvements to the Church proper and grounds, and those duties applied to the Manse as well are the details this committee oversees


Stewardship oversees the financial status of the church and plans for annual giving processes and special offerings such as; One Great Hour of Sharing and Joy Offering. Finance works in concert with the church Treasurer to provide and explain monthly, quarterly and yearly financial reports and coordinates a yearly budget.

outreach/mission committee

Session comprises the membership of this committee. This committee searches out ways to provide a blessing to our community and extends worldly via missions to contribute to the welfare of those in need.

Personnel committee

Acting as liaison with church staff, congregation and Minister, this committee addresses any concerns or needs. Updated staff definitions and quarterly reviews of staff are also duties.


Community Groups

The following groups utilize our church for meetings

recovery group

Fridays at 6:00 pm (open group)